The Jack Kerouac ROMnibus


The Beats

This section shows the interrelationships between various people. When you come into the module you can click on a relationship line to see the relationships between two people, or you can click on one of the relationship categories (top right icons on the screen) to see all of those relationships (for example, who published whom.)

Clicking on the icons in the relationship chart then brought up an annotation window.

This design came about by accident. The original design had all of the relationship icons on every relationship line. But we discovered that we couldn't create that in Director 4 because of a limitation in the number of individual elements that could be on screen at the same time. So we came up with a solution which showed only the types of relationship between two people, or all of the same relationships between different people. This solution actually works better (I think) because it is much more understandable, and much easier to absorb.

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