Guide To Digital Cameras
Guide to Digital Cameras
by Michael D. Murie
Price: $39.95
- 336 pages (September 15, 1999)
Howard W Sams & Co; ISBN: 0790611759
and Omissions
- Page
56: The figure Fig 3-9 A black frame from a
QuickTake 150 reproduced as a black square
during printing. Look at the actual frame on the
CD-ROM to see that the frame isn't solid black,
or click below to see it:
- Page
316: The figure Fig 16-9 Adding an entry
to eBay actually shows the entry screen from
an Amazon auction.
When the text was written it was intended to
place a screen dump from eBay, but when
assembling the screen dumps a screen dump from
Amazon was created instead. Though a correction
to the caption was provided it seems that the
correction didn't get added.
updated: 09/06/99