Flirting With Mermaids




Streaming Media

There are a number of streaming formats available. The links below should provide additional information about streaming media.


ComputerWorld has an interesting "Quick Study" guide to web video streaming technologies.
< quick study "Masses won't soon stream to PCs to watch TV">

Ben Waggoner wrote an article about streaming media for Interactivity magazine which compares RealSystem, NetShow and QuickTime. It's available in PDF format on the web. Conclusion? There's no clear winner at the moment, and which is the best tool depends upon what you are trying to do.
< article "RealSystem, NetShow & QuickTime How do they stack up?">

The website Streaming Media World features news, tools, tutorials, resource links, and discussion forums for Webmasters who are developing and managing Internet multimedia content.


RealSystem G2 from Real Networks is an open, extensible system for delivering verious kinds of media over IP based networks.

Emblaze VideoPro from GEO Interactive is a tool for creating streaming Web video without programming, plug-ins or special server software. VideoPro converts AVI files of any length that can be viewed on any Windows platform using popular browsers, including 3.0+ versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Emblaze VideoPro for Windows 95 and NT has a street price of $295.

HyperVideo is technology for creating and delivering interactive streaming video. Veon says they offer complete services, including tools for adding interactivity to existing media assets, production services to assist customers in developing interactive content, and application servers (the Veon Interaction Server) to deploy the content across distribution media; Internet, broadband, cable, telco or satellite. Their server supports personalized and customized video, e-commerce transactions, interactive advertising and personalized one-to-one promotions.

last updated: 2/1/99

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