Shopping: December 1998
What to get that special someone


Haven't found the perfect gift for that special someone? Well have no fear! Just back from the hustle and bustle of the shopping malls (where I only just managed to snatch up a very hard to find item before someone else got it) I'm here to provide the perfect shopping list; there's something here for everyone! So sit back, relax, and get ready to shop...

Michael D. Murie

Book: The Elephant Walk Cookbook : Cambodian Cuisine from the Nationally Acclaimed Restaurant
by Longteine De Monteiro, Katherine Neustadt, Longteine De Monteiro

The Elephant Walk is an excellent restaurant in Boston. Unfortunately, it's too far (and expensive) for us to go to frequently. I'm hoping this book will make an acceptable substitute(!) $24.50


Book: Nasa and the Exploration of Space : With Works from the Nasa Art Collection
by Mary Kalamaras, Bertram Ulrich, Roger D. Launius (Introduction), John Glenn

I've looked through this book at the bookstore and it looks cool. A review I read criticized the book for being two books rather than one; the text covers the Nasa space program, while the art work is used to illustrate the text. The reviewer felt there should have been more about the creation of the works themselves -- and there are some great works of art here. How ever you feel about that criticism, this is the only way to see all those works at the moment! $42.00


Book: Life the Movie : How Entertainment Conquered Reality
by Neal Gabler

Sometimes just the idea behind a book is enough to catch your attention. I mean, I don't feel I need to actually read the book, just buy it and have it lying around: The title says it all.

But for those who want to know more, according to "this book traces the evolution of high and low culture in American society through the 19th and 20th centuries." The Washington Post Book World said the books "one original and interesting idea" is that it is "a synthesis, or omnium gatherum, of work previously published by others, notably Leo Braudy, Richard Schickel and Neil Postman." Sounds like they damned it with faint praise. Now where's my dictionary; I've got to look up omnium gatherum. It's not in my spelling checker -- but neither is "website." : $15.00


Book: How to Use Html 3.2
by Scott Arpajian, Robert Mullen

Do you have a father, mother, grandmother or other relative wanting to set up their own website? Are you living in fear of providing technical support to these people? Then this book can help you. Buy it, and give it to them.

It's great, I bought it for my wife when she started using HTML, and my support calls went way down. It's simple, and uses lots of illustrations to make the subject understandable. $19.99


Looking for a digital camera under $1,000. The best three choices (in no particular order) are:

(The D-620L costs more than $1,000 so I haven't listed it here, but you might want to look at that also.)


Too rich for you? Then maybe the Barbie Photo Designer Digital Camera is a better choice. Lots of fun software, but the resolution is only 120 x 160 and it only takes 8 pictures before you'll need to download them. Oh well, maybe version 2 will be better. $68.45



Software: The Rugrats Movie Activity Challenge

I love the Rugrats television show, and now they have a game. So even if it might be educational, it can't be all bad, right sprouts? $27.45




Software: Star Trek Starship Creator

I don't buy much entertainment software, but I did buy the Starfleet Technical Manual (the one with the QuickTime VR images of the Starship Enterprise.) It was cool, but you couldn't really do much other than walk around.

This program takes a different path, and let's you design a spaceship (I wonder how many years of college are required before you can be licensed to buy this program?) $26.45














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